
“Frankfurt on Foot Walking Tours” is a small, privately run tour company that began offering tours in 2008 by husband and wife team, David and Jo Ator. We celebrated our 15th anniversary of bringing the best of Frankfurt to all of you on 19 June, and we are excited to be working on 16 years!

We believe the BEST way to see Frankfurt is the green way, walking on foot, going inside the many historic buildings of the city, feeling the history that infuses every stone that we walk over.

Our philosophy is to have each person who joins our tour wish that their visit to Frankfurt was longer.

Frankfurt on Foot is the #1 rated tour in Frankfurt on TripAdvisor with over 1000 reviews.

David and Jo are both history buffs from Columbus, Ohio, and as long time residents of Frankfurt, are passionate about showing off their adopted city to everyone who joins their tours. They each have their own unique view of the city, so no matter who you tour with, you will gain some special insights. They are both members of the Tour Guide Association of Frankfurt.

Jo is also the historian and the Point of Contact for the American Kinderfeld at the Frankfurt Main Cemetery. She undertook responsibility 15 years ago to care for this special section that memorializes the 695 children that are buried here. This included creating a Website and a Facebook page for others to learn about the special grave site of these very small children who were born to American Military Members.

David is from Columbus, Ohio. He is retired United States Army, and served in Korea, Okinawa and various posts in the US. He is world famous for his dry humor during the tours.

He is a member of the Gästeführer Verein Deutschland, BVGD.


Impressum / Legal Information

Managing Director – David Ator

Tax #  11 1532 8300 8757 1804

Entity registered under – Jodean and David Ator

Entity location – Erzbergerstrasse 32, 65933 Frankfurt am Main

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